on RFID Security and Privacy 2011

Accepted Papers
You may download draft versions of the papers. Post proceedings will appear in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. We thank all the authors for submitting their work for consideration.
Tutorials will take place at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The Sunday evening reception at the Hotel Northampton. The technical program on Monday and Tuesday will also take place at the Hotel Northampton. Note that Amherst and Northampton are about 10 miles apart. A shuttle bus will be provided by RFIDsec for scheduled events.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Program Event |
Bus from Hotel Northampton to UMass Amherst [name badges are not required for this bus because the registration desk is at UMass] (don't be late! It's a ten-mile walk...) |
Morning Tutorials (CS Building) |
Coffee Break (CS Atrium) |
Morning Tutorials 2 (CS Building) |
Lunch (CS Atrium) |
Afternoon Tutorials 1 (CS Building) |
Coffee Break (CS Atrium) |
Afternoon Tutorials 2 (CS Building) |
Bus returns attendees to Hotel Northampton |
6:00-7:30PM | Welcome Reception and Poster Session at the Hotel Northampton. Enjoy light refreshments and a beer while meeting your colleagues and touring the poster session. After the reception, we recommend that attendees try the dinner options near the Hotel Northampton. Several restaurants are listed on the student-organized map. The hotel can offer other recommendations. Our European colleagues may feel at home at the Dirty Truth. |
Monday, June 27, 2011
Program Event |
Breakfast buffet in Hotel Northampton |
Welcome remarks at the Hotel Northampton |
![]() Adi Shamir (The Weizmann Institute of Science), “Minimalism in Cryptography” (Session chair: Kevin Fu) Abstract: Adi Shamir will survey both the currently available proposals for lightweight cryptography and the latest cryptanalytic attacks against them (some of which are brand new and have not been published yet). In the last part of the talk, he will draw general conclusions and give recommendations about what we should use and what we should avoid in this area. Bio: Adi Shamir is a co-inventor of the RSA public-key encryption algorithm (along with Ron Rivest and Len Adleman). An ACM Turing Award recipient, Adi has made a long list of influential contributions to computer science and cryptography including the Shamir secret sharing scheme and co-invention of differential cryptanalysis. He is especially interested in recent attempts to develop lightweight cryptographic schemes for RFID tags. |
Coffee and Tea Break |
Technical Session 1: On-Tag Cryptography (Session chair: Farinaz Koushanfar) KLEIN: A New Family of Lightweight Block Ciphers Authors: Zheng Gong, Svetla Nikova and Yee Wei Law Affiliations: School of Computer Science, South China Normal University, China and Faculty of EWI, University of Twente, The Netherlands and Department of EEE, The University of Melbourne, Australia The Hummingbird-2 Lightweight Authenticated Encryption Algorithm Authors: Daniel Engels, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, and Eric M. Smith Affiliations: Revere Security Elliptic Curve Cryptography on the WISP UHF RFID Tag Authors: Christian Pendl and Markus Pelnar and Michael Hutter Affiliations: Graz University of Technology, Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK) |
Lunch |
Technical Session 2: Attacks (Session chair: Lejla Batina) Exploring the Feasibility of Low Cost Fault Injection Attacks on Sub-Threshold Devices through an example of a 65nm AES implementation Authors: Alessandro Barenghi, Cedric Hocquet, David Bol, Francois-Xavier Standaert, Francesco Regazzoni, Israel Koren Affiliations: Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, University of Massachusetts Amherst, ALaRI, Lugano Side-Channel Analysis of Cryptographic RFIDs with Analog Demodulation Authors: David Oswald, Timo Kasper, Christof Paar Affiliations: HGI, Ruhr-University Bochum |
![]() “On Physical-Layer Identification of RFID Tags” (Session chair: Christof Paar) Abstract: The deployment of RFID tags raises a number of security and privacy issues such as cloning of RFID devices, unauthorized tracking, etc. In this talk we review techniques for physical-layer identification of RFID tags and we discuss under which conditions tags can be remotely identified based on their radio circuitry. We show that HF tags can be accurately identified in controlled environments and how this identification can be used to detect cloning of electronic passports. We further show that, using a portable low-cost USRP-based RFID fingerprinter, UHF RFID tags can be reliably identified from varying distances and across different tag placements (wallet, shopping bag, etc.). We investigate the use of our fingerprinter for clandestine people tracking in an example Shopping Mall scenario and show that in this scenario the mobility traces of people can be reconstructed with a high accuracy. For more information: http://www.syssec.ethz.ch/research/identification Bio: Srdjan Capkun is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich. He received the Dipl.Ing. Degree in Electrical Engineering / Computer Science from University of Split, Croatia (1998), and the Ph.D. degree in Communication Systems from EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Lausanne) (2004). Prior to joining ETH Zurich he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Networked & Embedded Systems Laboratory (NESL), University of California Los Angeles and an Assistant Professor in the Informatics and Mathematical Modeling Department (IMM), Technical University of Denmark (DTU). |
Coffee and Tea Break |
Technical Session 3: Securing RFID with Physics (Session chair: Ravi Pappu) A Novel RFID Distance Bounding Protocol Based on Physically Unclonable Functions Authors: Suleyman Kardas and Mehmet Sabir Kiraz and Muhammed Ali Bingol and Huseyin Demirci Affiliations: TUBITAK BILGEM UEKAE Security Analysis of two Distance-Bounding Protocols Author: Mohammad Reza Sohizadeh Abyaneh Affiliations: University of Bergen An Automatic, Time-Based, Secure Pairing Protocol for Passive RFID Authors: George T. Amariucai, Clifford Bergman, Yong Guan Affiliations: Iowa State University BUPLE: Securing Passive RFID Communication Through Physical Layer Enhancements Authors: Qi Chai, Guang Gong Affiliations: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo |
Bus for attendees from Hotel Northampton to Gala Dinner at
UMass Amherst Please gather in the hotel lobby at 5:30PM for a speedy depature. (Don't be late! Otherwise you'll need to find a taxi. If you choose to drive on your own, we recommend the Campus Center parking garage.) |
6:00PM | Gala Dinner at the 11th Floor of the UMass Amherst Campus
Center A New England Clambake! The Gala event will begin with a cocktail reception at 6PM with a jazz band and prestidigitator! Enjoy the clambake complete with clam chowder, steamed lobsters, steak, corn on the cob, strawberry shortcake, and other quintessential New England delights. Recommended dress is "smart casual." Between dinner and dessert is our invited talk on NFC phones. ![]() “Hacking your NFC phone and service: the good news and the bad news” Abstract: The security of NFC services strongly depends on the NFC enabled mobile devices that are used to interact with them. The user's privacy and confidence is similar affected by the devices. This talk will give you a tour of the security of NFC mobile phones and some early NFC services. We will focus on attacks against NFC phones to demonstrate the current weak points. The talk should provide some good grounds for discussion and future work. Bio: Collin Mulliner is a PhD student in the group Security in Telecommunications at Technische Universität Berlin and Deutsche Telekom Laboratories. Collin's main interest is in the area of security and privacy of mobile and embedded devices with a strong emphasis on smartphones and cellular devices, services, and networks. Collin's activities date back to 1997 since then he worked on various mobile software and security projects. Specific areas of interest are vulnerability analysis of mobile phones and offensive security research. Lately he started focusing more on building protective systems for smartphones and cellular networks. |
9:30PM | Bus for attendees from Campus Center to Hotel Northampton. Don't miss the bus! |
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Program Event |
Breakfast buffet in Hotel Northampton |
![]() “The Making of Camels” (Session chair: Ari Juels) Abstract: Sir Alec Issigonis, the designer of the Mini, is known to have said that “a camel is a horse designed by a committee.” In this talk, I will attempt to illuminate the process of how modern RFID standards are made through three examples. My goal is to convey the forces that make modern RFID standards as complicated as they are, and why it is usually very difficult for academic research to make its way into such standards in the short term. Bio: Dr. Ravi Pappu is the VP of the Advanced Development Group at ThingMagic, a division of Trimble Navigation. Ravi's group is tasked with developing cutting-edge systems based on ThingMagic's portfolio of RFID products and solving challenging RFID system optimization problems for ThingMagic customers. Among other projects, he led the design and implementation of the Tool Link system in collaboration with Ford Motor Company and DeWalt. He received his Ph.D. from MIT for the invention of physical one-way functions. While at MIT, he co-created the first dynamic holographic video system with haptic interaction. He has published 25 papers and is a named inventor on 12 US and international patents. Ravi is one of Technology Review's TR100 innovators and also received the Carl T. Humphrey Memorial Award for Contributions to the Engineering Profession from Villanova University. |
Coffee and Tea Break |
Technical Session 4: Protocol-Level Security in RFID (Session chair: Gildas Avoine) Scalable RFID Authentication Protocol Supporting Ownership Transfer and Controlled Delegation Authors: Albert Fernandez-Mir, Rolando Trujillo-Rasua, Jordi Castella-Roca Affiliations: Universitat Rovira i Virgili ROTIV: RFID Ownership Transfer with Issuer Verification Authors: Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui, Erik-Oliver Blass, Refik Molva Affiliations: Eurecom Hierarchical ECC-Based RFID Authentication Protocol Authors: Lejla Batina, Stefaan Seys, Dave Singelee, Ingrid Verbauwhede Affiliations: Radboud University Nijmegen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Lunch |
Closing Session: Strategic Cybersecurity R&D Priorities Samuel Weber, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Trustworthy Computing Program Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering Matthew Scholl, U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Deputy Chief, Computer Security Division Information Technology Laboratory (ITL/NIST) NIST is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce |
Adjourn |
Registration Desk Hours
Please make sure to pick up your workshop materials as soon as you can. Welcome packets will be available from the hotel desk clerk at check-in, and your personal materials will be available from the RFIDsec registration desk at the hours and locations listed below. Registration and name badges are required for entry to events.
The registration desk is open:
Saturday 4:00PM-6:00PM |
Hotel Northampton in the Hampshire Room |
Sunday 8:00AM-4:30PM |
UMass Amherst Computer Science Atrium |
Sunday 6:00PM-7:30PM |
Hotel Northampton Atrium |
Monday 8:00AM-4:30PM |
Hotel Northampton Atrium |
Tuesday 8:00AM-2:00PM |
Hotel Northampton Atrium |